One White Horse Standing



Upcoming Workshops:

Building and Using Shamanic Tools & Jewelry Workshop

Vulture Medicine Workshop

Shamanic Workshops


Find out more about our workshops, retreats and resources on our website.

One White Horse Standing Newsletter


Hi folks;

I continue to be on a wave concerning finding a different way of being. Recently, I got lost on the Internet and ended up on a website that sells rocks and crystals from China. I was particularly struck with their bloodstones. So, I ordered 100 pieces as a test to see if I could complete the sell and there was a knowing that this needed to be here.

As I reflect on it, I realize that I did not know what "this" was when I ordered it in May. As you will see below, there is an amazing synergy or guidance in my life. I suspect all of your's as well.

Here's a sample of a necklace I made of the new stones. Though in the picture it appears as a heart shape, it is actually more of a shield design. Perfect for everyone based on what you will read below.

Bountiful Blessings,




Bloodstone, formally known as heliotrope, is a form of quartz in the chalcedony family. It is commonly green with red flecks. It is often confused with imperial jasper which looks very similar.


Bloodstone is colored green by iron silicate. It often includes hematite (gold-yellow inclusions) and iron oxides which provides the red spots.


Bloodstone is related to the solstice in Greek mythology. It is often recommended for healing infections, inflammations, and poisoning by creating elixirs.


Bloodstone is an intense healing stone, often referred to as "the stone of courage". It helps to protect the wearer by limiting and fending off undesirable energies and influences. It beckons the wearer to "be here, now" so as to continually renew one's physical, emotional, and mental states. It provides support to improve one's talents and abilities as well as enhance decision-making abilities.

It provides a centering and grounding energy that is conducive to balancing oneself when overcome by distress or anxiety, including the masculine and feminine energies within. Hence, it can be calming in cases of irritability, aggressiveness, and impatience. It revitalizes when one is exhausted and tired. It stimulates dreams.

There is an inherent strength within Bloodstone. It helps to adjust quickly to unexpected occurrences that tend to undermine our sense of control. Hence, it can dispel bewilderment and obscure thoughts. Moreover, it can support our capacity to find harmony, adaptability, and strength in any situation.

BloodstoneIt supports one's self esteem by supporting a grounded or centered sense of confidence. It inspires an awareness of prosperity. It engenders a strong feeling and sense of gratitude that it is all right to have what one wants and has earned. It provides a positive orientation and regard for life's abundance.

Physically it is an immune boosting mineral in cases of acute infections. It stimulates the lymph glands and metabolic processes, thereby reducing and clearing pus, toxins, and acidity.


Judithann H. David & JP Van Hulle, Michael's Genstone Dictionary, 1990.
Michael Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, 1999
Melody, Love is in the Earth, Revised Edition, 1995


Scheduled Workshops

Building and Using Shamanic Tools
& Jewelry Workshop

August 19-21 2011
Dream Studio, Oregon, Wisconsin

For a number of years, people have requested a workshop on building and using shamanic tools. Finally, it has arrived. The workshop will teach how to wire-wrap crystals into jewelry and to make a prayer horn. We will then use our creations in a variety of shamanic ways including journey work.

Sacred Space

The sacred space will be anchored by an altar of 800-1000 pounds of rocks and crystals. In addition, each person is asked to bring nine (9) pieces of granite that will be used to create individual and intertwining sacred circles. The combination will be to create a massive healing energy to anchor the weekend.

Included in the Workshop

Each person will receive an aegerine crystal, a singing quartz crystal, a Chinese bloodstone shield stone, and a piece of kunzite from which to make their personal shamanic jewelry. In addition, everyone will receive an African black andradite and a deer horn tip from which to build a prayer horn.

Bring your Stones including 9 pieces of granite

Each person is encouraged to bring whatever stones or crystals that feel appropriate or necessary to support your process.

We have limited the number of attendees to 20.

When and Where will it be held

The workshop will be held at The Dream Studio, Oregon, WI (10 miles south of Madison). You will receive detailed instructions with your registration. We will begin class at 9 am on each day and end at 2 pm on Sunday afternoon.

To Register: Please send a $100 deposit or the full amount of $395.00 to Carrie Callahan 17 Larkin Street Madison, WI 53705. If you have questions, please contact Carrie at or (608) 310-9616. The last day for registration is August 7, 2011

Cancellations received after August 7 will be subject to a $50 processing fee.

Fee: $395 includes a continental breakfast and light lunch all three days, in addition to the above mentioned supplies. Some lodging will be available with participants living in the local area. Otherwise, lodging is on your own.

Presenter: Herb "One White Horse Standing" Stevenson (Shawnee and Cherokee) has been exploring indigenous healing practices for over 20 years. He has a private practice in crystal energy healing, specializing in trauma-related work. He provides workshops around the country upon request.


Vulture Medicine

October 28-30, 2011
Bethel Horizons Barn

The vulture represents Purification, Death & Rebirth, New Vision. It is the is the most misunderstood and misaligned bird. People see them as gross and associate them with death, but myths reflects just the opposite. In Greek tradition, it was associated with heaven and earth, spirit and matter, good and evil, guardian and avenger. It was considered the avenger of the nature spirits.

The vulture has a wonderful ability to see and use the thermals rising from the earth, giving them lift. Their ability to use the thermals is likened to auric vision, the ability to see subtle energy emanations from the body. They have keen eyesight (8X humans) and powerful senses of smell. The sense of smell is associated with higher forms of discrimination. It can help you decide whether or not something doesn't quite smell right.

Sacred Space

The sacred space will be anchored by an altar of 800-1000 pounds of rocks and crystals. In addition, each person is asked to bring eight(8) pieces of granite that will be used to create individual and intertwining sacred circles. The combination will be to create a massive healing energy to anchor the weekend.


Integration is the process by which we begin to support the chaos around and within us to form a new order. For some, this will be to complete the parallel (or past, if you are linear) life lessons and unfinished business, and/or to heal bleed-through. For others, it will be a return to the center, where the wisdom of internal authority will be rekindled to provide a guiding light for each person.

Learn more at www.onewhitehorsestanding/vulture-medicine.php



Annual Halloween/Shamanic Workshop
—Closed due to full enrollment

Bethel Horizons, Dodgeville Wisconsin
October 28-30, 2011

Shamanic Workshop

Bethel Horizons, Dodgeville Wisconsin
January 26-29, 2012

Shamanic Workshop

Bethel Horizons, Dodgeville Wisconsin
October 18-21, 2012

Contact Marie Smith
608- 647-2366



This is a shamanic newsletter and is intended only for educational and informational purposes. Any person needing therapeutic support should contact a mental health professional immediately.