Barn Owl

September 13-15, 2024
Camp Asbury, Ohio

This owl has a heart shaped facial disc which is unique among owls. This reflects the ability to link the heart and the mind. It is part of what this owl teaches. It also has darker eyes. It has a golden buff feathering on top, and white feathering beneath.

The common barn owl has a variety of names. When seen at night from below, it has a ghostly appearance due to its white feathering. It is this aspect which has earned it the name of ghost owl. It is an owl whose medicine can connect you to old haunts and spirits of properties and homes that may still be lingering about. Its medicine can be used to help develop mediumship and spirit contact.

The barn owl is the master hunter. Many farmers have shot barn owls and tried to replace them with cats. Unfortunately, the farmers often do not realize that "one pair of nesting barn owls can eliminate more mice per night that ten cats put together" (Julio Torre, Owls). It is the barn owl's hearing ability which makes it stand out as a hunter. In fact, a large portion of the barn owl’s brain is devoted to sorting out the auditory signals that it picks up. It has the ability to use echo location, a kind of sonar in locating prey. For those with this bird as a totem, the ability to hear the inner voice and even spirit (clairaudience—the power of faculty of hearing something not present to the ear but regarded as having objective reality) will definitely begin to develop.

Barn owls are inventive opportunists. They are adaptable and will take their food wherever they can find it. Their most common prey is the mouse, and those with barn owl medicine should study the qualities of the mouse as well.

Who Should Come

This is an open workshop so spiritual explorers or those seeking deeper understanding of themselves are welcome.

Create your Space

Each person is encouraged to bring whatever stones or crystals that feel appropriate or necessary to support your process. Comfortable chairs and blankets to support you are suggested.


Dinner will be served on Friday night, Saturday- breakfast, lunch and dinner, Sunday breakfast and lunch.

When and Where to Come

Registration will begin at 12:00 PM on Friday, the 1st at Camp Asbury. The workshop will begin Friday running into the night, Sat-all day and into the evening, and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The workshop will be held at Camp Asbury, 10776 Asbury Rd., Hiram Ohio 44234.

For further information, kindly email Lisa Roll Kayser, or

What to Pay

Payments can be made via Check, PayPal or Zelle.

Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Deposit Only

If paying by check, send a check, payable to Herb Stevenson, 9796 Cedar Road, Novelty, Ohio 44072. Once paid-in-full you will receive info on your stay at Camp Asbury.

Due to the workshop focus and the unique facilities, the attendance will be limited to 21 people.

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