Bear Medicine Wheel

Awakening the Power of the Unconscious

Camp Asbury, Hiram, Ohio

Bear Medicine

Ursus Major, the great Bear constellation includes the seven stars of the big dipper and they are linked to the seven great rays of light of the Divine. It has lunar symbology giving it ties to the sub- and un-conscious mind. It was an animal associated with the goddess Diana, a goddess of the moon. It also symbolizes alchemy, the nigredo of prime matter. It relates to all initial stages and primal instincts.

The bear teaches how to go within to find the resources necessary for survival. It can teach you to draw upon all of your inner stores of energy and essence even those which have never been tapped or accessed. Meditating and working with bear will help you to go within your soul's den-—your inner sanctum-—to find your answers.

In the winter, the bear's kidneys shut down completely. Metaphysically, the kidneys are symbols of discernment and discrimination. If bear has shown up in your life, ask yourself some important questions. Is your judgment off? How about those around you? Are you not recognizing what is beneficial in your life? Are you not seeing the core of good, deep within all situations? Are you being too critical of yourself or others? Are you wearing rose-colored glasses? Bear medicine can teach you to go deep within so that you can make your choices and decisions from a position of power.

Bears love trees. The tree is a powerful and ancient symbol. It is a natural antenna, linking the Heavens and the Earth. As bear teaches you to go in and awaken the potentials inherent, the tree serves as a reminder that we must bring what we awaken out into the world and apply it-—make our marks with it. Anyone with a bear totem should keep the cub in themselves alive and occasionally climb trees-—if only to get a clear perspective.

It is important to not hide away and hibernate all year round. You must come out of the den. This is reflected in the birthing process where birth occurs in Winter and Spring brings a departure from the den. It often reflects a need to go deep within yourself, to have periods in your life when you can be more reclusive. During these times, you will be able to go within yourself and even give birth to two or three ideas or projects. They can be nursed through the winter and then as spring approaches emerge with your babies to help them grow. Those who have a bear as a totem will find this cycle very natural. They will also find that with the Spring will come opportunities to act more assertively in regard to that which has been nursed through the winter months.

Bear people should be patient, as cubs will usually stay for two years. This can reflect that those projects may not come to fruition until the second year of the cycle. Also, black bears can be very playful, both as adults and as young cubs. This is a reminder for those with the black bear as a totem.

All bears are fond of honey. Honey is the natural sweetness of life. It is usually found in the hives, located in trees, again reflecting a connection between bears and trees. It is a reminder for those with this totem to go within to awaken the power, but only by bringing it out into the open and applying it will the honey of life be tasted.

Bear Medicine Wheel

We will engage in the Bear medicine wheel by working with the following bear energies:

Polar Bear---North Grizzly Bear---East
Kodiak Bear---South Black Bear---West


Ted Andrews, Animal Speaks