Keynote: The Power of Rhythm and Discrimination
Cycle of Power: Summer
October 1-3, 2021
Due to Covid 19, we have moved this offering
to an online webinar.
The woodpecker is one of those birds whose history is filled with myth and lore, much of it in connection with its most notable characteristics--the drumming. It is a relative of the flicker and they share many of the same qualities and characteristics. In the European folk tradition, the woodpecker was often considered a weather prophet, its drumming indicating forthcoming changes. It was even believed by some to be a thunderbird. In Babylonia, it was considered the ax of Ishtar and was associated with fertility. In the Greek tradition it occupied the throne of Zeus, considered sacred to this god of thunder. It was also considered the oracle of Mars, again because drumming was often used to accompany battles. The Romans also had a legend of the woodpecker. The powerful enchantress Circe fell in love with the woodland god Picus. When he rejected her love, she turned him into a woodpecker. In the Native American tradition it is a bird connected to the heartbeat of the Earth itself. This drumming has many mystical connections, from new life rhythms to applications of shapeshifting. Many shamans learn to ride drumbeats into other dimensions.
There are, of course, different kinds of woodpeckers, each with their own unique qualities. Most are black and white, and some have red upon the head. The black and white reflects the need to see issues and aspects of life clearly. It reflects that things are fairly clear if we look closely. The downy woodpecker is the smallest. It is also the most common and most friendly member of the woodpecker family. The pileated, found most often in forests, is the expert woodchopper. Often as big as a crow, it is the largest of the woodpeckers. It has the conspicuous red crest.
The red-headed woodpecker is also very common. While most woodpeckers, particularly males, have some red on the head, the red-headed woodpecker has a red mantle of feathers that covers its head and neck. The red found in the head area of any woodpecker reflects a stimulation of the mental activities and the head chakra centers. It reflects a stimulation and wakening of new mental faculties. This is even further symbolized by the pecking that is the trademark of this bird. Woodpeckers peck holes in trees and wood to get at grubs and other insects. This digging in, especially with the head, reflects increasing analysis. Their bills are strong and sharply pointed, and their skulls are heavier, facilitating the hammering. Their sharp bill and its long-barbed tongue can be likened to the art of discrimination. If a woodpecker has drummed out a song for you, then you should ask yourself some specific questions. Are you looking at aspects of your life rationally? Are others around you not discriminating in their activities? Are you? Are you or others in your life just jumping into situations with little or no analysis?
Sometimes the woodpecker will show up just to stimulate new rhythms. Rhythm is a powerful means of affecting the physical energies. Sometimes it is easy to get so wrapped up in our daily mental and spiritual activities that we neglect the physical. This can be when the woodpecker shows up. It may also reflect a need to drum some new changes and rhythms into your life.
The woodpecker has strong hooked claws for firm holds upon a tree. Its tail feathers help to prop it up right. It also has a peculiar up and down flight. It will fly, coast down, fly and then coast down. It flies in a manner and rhythm unique to itself. All of this serves to emphasize the fact that it will become increasingly important for you to follow your own unique rhythms and flight. Do what works for you in the manner best for you. When woodpecker comes into your life, it indicates that the foundation is there. It is now safe to follow your own rhythms.
Andrews, Ted. Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small (pp. 206-208). Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.. Kindle Edition.
What to Expect
The workshop will do several shamanic journeys over the course of the weekend. A large altar/vortex is created with many stones. This creates a massive energetic field.
Who Should Come
All interested parties with journey experience.
What to Bring
This is an at your home virtual workshop, so make yourself comfy. We will mediate, so, have any rocks or crystals that support your mediations. A journal notebook is encouraged.
Plan For:
We will be virtual. So, if you have not done a virtual workshop, often called webinars, here’s some helpful information. Prior to our workshop if not familiar with Zoom:
- 1. Go to https://Zoom.com and open a free account and install it on your computer
2. Make sure your computer has a camera. It is helpful but not needed that you have a headset with a microphone on it (like your cell phone headset). It cancels noise at home
Please watch at least the following how to videos using this link https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials
- 1 minute video - Join a Meeting
- 10 minute video - Meeting Controls (highly recommended even if you have used Zoom before - it is worth 10 minutes!)
- 3 minute video - Breakout Rooms
3. Here is the zoom help center https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/201137166
- Friday 1-4 or 5 PM EST
- Saturday 9-12 am EST and 1-4 or 5 PM EST)
- Sunday 9-12 am EST
Each segment will have a guided meditation, some teaching, an exercise and processing. This structure has worked well for me and shortly after we get comfortable, you will find that it can be an interesting and insightful experience.
The fee for the workshop is $345. Class size is limited to 21.
To register or if you have questions, contact me at herb@onewhitehorsestanding.com or Lisa Roll Kayser, kayseroll23@gmail.com
Send your checks to Herb Stevenson 9796 Cedar Road, Novelty, Ohio 44072. Or You can find Herb Stevenson on Zelle and pay by app. We can do PayPal if desired.
Full Price: $345 | Remaining Balance: $220 |
Ted Andrews, Animal Speak